The Landscape of Evil
Plan-B Teater, København 2005
Recent years the concept of evil has got a renaissance, not least at a international political level, where The Axes of Evil is a often used term. But what is evil? NORPOL is researching around genocide and human rights and the war in Chechnya.
The spectators are forced to choose side in a playful, surpricing and sometimes evil journey in music, words and choreography. The audience becomes extras in a rehearsal for the rock opera named The Landscape of Evil.
Idea, staging and performance: Daniel Norback og Erik Pold
Composer and live musician: Kalle Mathiesen
Dramaturg: Henrik V. Pedersen
Set design: Seimi Nørregaard
Lysdesign: Jacob Sennek
The Landscape of Evil is supported by The Danish Arts Council, Dansk Skuespillerforbunds Kollektive Blankbåndsmidler, Sonning-Fonden, Augustinus Fonden